Monday, June 10, 2013

New Shoes

I love when I find a great pair of shoes that fit and I love it even better if I find them at a good price. I went to Goodwill once and found a pair of black glitter Toms for twenty dollars when they were first really popular, and they fit perfectly! I always rush over to the shoe section to see if they have anything in my size. Goodwill gets a lot of stuff from Target, so if you see a really nice new pair of shoes, chances are they're from Target and they have them in several sizes and colors. These shoes below are some of the shoes I've collected from thrift stores over the past two years and none of these were more then ten dollars. So if you need a pair of shoes for a special occasion or you're just feeling a little down and the only thing in the world that will cheer you up is new shoes, then you should try the shoe section at your local thrift shop.

XOXO Anna Lynne

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